Violet Richardson Month of Giving

Your gift in honor of Soroptimist's first president helps carry on Violet's legacy and provides the resources needed to invest in the dreams of women and girls for another 102 years!

On October 3, 1921...

a group of women in Oakland, California, USA, agreed to charter the first ever Soroptimist club.

These women pioneers, led by President Violet Richardson, united in their purpose to create an organization committed to improving the lives of women and girls. 

102 years later...

Soroptimist is now a global organization with tens of thousands of passionate members.

 This October, we celebrate President Violet’s incredible legacy—that Soroptimists like you continue to build upon—with the second annual Violet Richardson Month of Giving!

1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103

Phone: 215-893-9000

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1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103

Phone: 215-893-9000

women have received financial assistance for their education

Your ongoing support carries on Violet Richardson's legacy and helps SIA serve more women and girls.

girls have received access to role models, mentors, and career guidance

more women and girls will benefit from our work by 2031

Join fellow Soroptimists with a gift in honor of Violet Richardson Month!


Thank You

This October, you are specially invited to become a Soroptimist Stargazer, joining SIA's prestigious circle of monthly donors. Or increase your contribution and your impact!