1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103

Phone: 215-893-9000
Fax: 215-893-5200

Soroptimist Logo

1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103

Phone: 215-893-9000
Fax: 215-893-5200

"Soroptimist - Investing in Dreams" logo
Soroptimist logo "S" emblem

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Your gift improves the lives of women and girls

Your generosity helps us serve women and girls who face barriers such as homelessness, domestic and sexual violence, and teen pregnancy—and provides them access to the education they need to overcome these obstacles.

Charity Navigator scores us 100 out of 100 for financial accountability
We are a proud Guidestar participant with a Platinum Seal of Transparency.
Rochelle, a Filipina woman, and her young daughter smile at the camera

Copyright © 2023 Soroptimist International of the Americas ®. All rights reserved.     Privacy Policy      Disclaimer

Support our Mission

Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.

Now is the time to invest in a brighter future for women and girls. 

To unlock the full potential of women and girls, we need a global coalition of people willing to help solve the problems that hold women and girls back. 

Our experience has taught us that women's empowerment comes from having self-confidence, autonomy, and financial security to control decisions about their private and public lives. Soroptimist focuses on access to education because we believe it’s the most effective path to women's empowerment.

When you choose to support Soroptimist, you join thousands of donors, volunteers, and change-makers across the globe. Their collective belief in the power of women and girls runs deep—and we know yours does too. 

1 in 3

The odds that a woman will be beaten, coerced into sex, or abused in her lifetime. (Amnesty International USA)

Years of experience

Global volunteers

$3 million 
In education grants given every year


380 million

The number of women and girls worldwide who are living in extreme poverty. (United Nations)

132 years

The time it will take to achieve global gender parity based on the current rate of progress. (World Economic Forum)


Soroptimist's Global Impact

A woman wearing her graduation robes and cap poses happily with her three children

"As a hopeless single parent facing unemployment, I knew that I had to change the direction of my future for myself and my children. The Live Your Dream Awards helped pay for my tuition and living expenses for an entire semester. This award taught me how to budget to ensure self-sufficiency. 

"The emphasis that Soroptimist shines on women living their dreams is a powerful force that transformed the way I looked at myself. I learned how to be a survivor and let go of all the negative feelings associated with being a victim of life-long domestic violence.

"You have helped me develop into an educated mother that is taking advantage of each and every door of opportunity associated with higher education."

– Amanda C., Live Your Dream Awards recipient


Generous donors like you help us invest in our Dream Programs and the global network of volunteers that make them possible!


Your donation could be used to support our education award for women, the Live Your Dream Awards, which helps women who have experienced adversity to continue their education, secure better jobs, and improve life for themselves and their families. 

Or, your donation could support Dream It, Be It, a curriculum-based program that provides career guidance, encouraging role models, and career skills for girls who are facing challenges.

Your donation could also support one of the many other volunteer club projects that advance our mission by improving women's access to education and addressing barriers such as trafficking, domestic violence, or poverty.


women since 1972 have received our education grant, the Live Your Dream Awards

girls given access to role models and career guidance through Dream It, Be It

women and girls helped by 2031 is our organization's current Big Goal

countries and territories where our amazing volunteers serve their local communities

Four teenage girls strike a "Rosie the Riveter" strong pose at a Dream It, Be It event

"The emphasis that Soroptimist shines on women living their dreams is a powerful force that transformed the way I looked at myself. I learned how to be a survivor and let go of all the negative feelings associated with life-long domestic violence.

You have helped me develop into an educated mother that is taking advantage of each and every door of opportunity associated with higher education."

– Amanda C., Live Your Dream Awards recipient

Copyright © 2023 Soroptimist International of the Americas ®. All rights reserved.     Privacy Policy      Disclaimer

Years of Experience

Global Volunteers

$3 million 
In Education Grants Given Every Year


Charity Navigator scores us 100 out of 100 for financial accountability
We are a proud Guidestar participant with a Platinum Seal of Transparency.

Show your dedication: become a Stargazer monthly donor

Join a growing circle of our most committed supporters! Monthly gifts add up quickly, helping us invest in women and girls year-round. Your donations are a reliable safety net for those in need, empowering them to break cycles of violence and poverty and improve their lives for good.

Any amount you can give will help make education dreams come true!