1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103
Phone: 215-893-9000
Fax: 215-893-5200
With honor, we thank Cheri for her impressive and dedicated service at Soroptimist:
Federation: 2013-2014 SIA President
2012-2013 SIA President-elect
2011-2012 SIA Secretary/Treasurer
2010-2012 SIA Board member
Region: 2008-2010 Camino Real Governor
2006-2008 Camino Real Governor-elect
2004-2006 Camino Real District Director
Club: 2002-2003 SI/Greater Santa
Clarita Valley President
2001-2002 SI/Great Santa Clarita Valley President-elect
2000-2001 SI/Greater Santa Clarita Valley VP & Auction Chair
1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103
Phone: 215-893-9000
Fax: 215-893-5200
The Cheri Fleming Legacy Fund
Make a special gift
In memoriam of her lifetime of achievements, the Fleming family has asked colleagues, friends, and loved ones to consider making a gift to her legacy fund.
All donations will directly contribute to aiding Soroptimist's mission of helping women and girls around the world live their dreams.
Thank you.
Federation: 2013-2014 SIA President
2012-2013 SIA President-elect
2011-2012 SIA Secretary/Treasurer
2010-2012 SIA Board member
Region: 2008-2010 Camino Real Governor
2006-2008 Camino Real Governor-elect
2004-2006 Camino Real District Director
Club: 2002-2003 SI/Greater Santa Clarita Valley, CA President
2001-2002 SI/Great Santa Clarita Valley, CA President-elect
2000-2001 SI/Greater Santa Clarita Valley, CA VP & Auction Chair